SEP Online Series


The Smart Employee Procedure (S.E.P)

Join this Free 7-Part Online Series to Uncover What's You Really Want for Your Work Life & Career!

Ever Asked Yourself... What's Next?

In my years of networking with business owners, entrepreneurs, cabin crew and people from all walks of life, the one thing that has always puzzled me is...

Why do some people choose to quit a well paying job despite sacrificing their prime years to the company?

Ask around and you'll see that it has happened and it will continue to happen.


It tends to strike most people as they approach their 30s and 40s.

At a time in their life when they have huge amount of debts to repay, children to take care of, parents who are retiring, and stacks of loans so high, it's amazing they haven't topple over.

So, I decided to do some digging and asked my friends and acquaintances who did a mid-career switch to find out why they decided to take the leap.

And here's what I discovered...

These poor unsuspecting individuals were burnt out!

Burnt out from serving their companies. Burnt out from the mundane day-to-day activities. And burnt out from not having the social life they've always dreamt of.

Perhaps you're feeling something similar.

Ask yourself if any of these statement sounds familiar?

  • You're starting to lose interest in what you do - and this is just as you start to excel in it

  • You've no idea or any clue what else to strive for in life, it's like all your goals and ambitions have been sucked out of you

  • You've stopped identifying what's meaningful for you in a career and frankly it feels like you've stopped caring

  • It seems like most people around you are getting no where and it only gets worse as the years roll by

  • Nothing you do seems to help you advance or get promoted so you're just leaving it to chance now

Well if any of them sounds eerily true, then let me be the first to tell you not to give up.

As much as the pressure is starting to build up, and at times it feels like you have no idea what to do next, the truth is...

You still have a good chance to achieve what you want in life!

I was no different.

I didn't know what to do about my career at one point, yet I managed to turn my life around.

And now I want to help you do the same.

It's possible with a simple process I call the Smart Employee Procedure (S.E.P).

Because with the S.E.P in place, you can easily start to uncover the joys and excitement of life. The same joys and excitement you used to have in your younger days.

Plus, with the right action steps, you will find yourself...

  • Loving what you're doing

  • Position yourself for promotions

  • Effortlessly win more friends

  • Get your manager (ward leader) to notice you

  • Unlock the next step of your career

Here's How It Works

I've prepared a series of emails and exercises that will sit you down to seriously reflect about what you want out of your career. Whether that's with SQ or a completely different industry, too few people ever pause to think about it.

Most made that decision when they were in their teens and suddenly found themselves stuck in a career they hate. And now they believe they're left with only 1 choice - to suck it up and stay there for the rest of their lives until retirement.

But that's not how it should be!

That's why, I decided to prepare this interactive email program where we're going to work together to figure out what you truly want in your career.

I've engaged the help of my network and connection to determine what makes an employee "desirable" in their companies.

All you need to do is fill in the form on this page and I'll send you the first email to get started. Altogether there are 7 parts to this free coaching program but it's guaranteed to introduce a new perspective to everything you've been doing.

I dare say it is one of the reasons for my own switch and the driving force that guided in every new venture I undertook. I want to share this same experience and knowledge with you but more on that during the program.

And here's the funny thing...

After speaking with countless of my connections, we've found the best people are usually the ones that love what they're doing.

Which only means one thing...

We've got to help you uncover what you truly want out of a career so you can start loving what you do.

Frankly, it won't happen overnight but with the right guidance and advice, we can help you unlock and recover the joys of a career. A feeling most have forgotten as the pressure of society started seeping in.

Now, before you rush to sign up for this program, please only do so if you're serious about taking action.

Because while it is an email series, there are activities involved. Activities which I'll be reading and may even provide my feedback.

In fact, for certain parts of this program, I won't send out the next email until I've received a response from you. That's the only way I know if you're getting the maximum value out it.

Because I believe that if I'm going to commit myself to helping you, then YOU should first be committed to helping YOU.

If this sounds like something that will be helpful for you, fill up the form and I'll talk to you soon.