Ever asked yourself...
"What Do I Truly Want in Life?"

I was kinda forced to.

That was back in 2003 when an incident with my dad pushed me to take the biggest leap of faith in my life. Some might say I was crazy to dived into a career I never imagined I would ever join.

But I'm glad I did. Because that decision brought me down an exciting journey. With plenty of valuable life lessons along the way.

Sure, being an ex-cabin crew with SQ was and still is one of the best experiences of my life. The training there shaped me more ways than I thought was possible. And that's why I decided to start this blog to share some of these humble insights I've gained over years.

Hopefully to inspire and help anyone who is struggling or trying to overcome a difficult moment in her life.

And most importantly, to uncover that deeper meaning in your career and in your life!

Shann Wong - Hero Image Mobile

A Quick Peek into My Life Now Since Leaving SIA

I've been fortunate to meet many amazing people over the years. The truth is, I'm no a scholar or consider myself anything special. What I do believe in however, is pumping in the hard work in anything I set my mind to accomplish and making friends along the way. That I believe is the real "secret" to building strong lasting connection with the people I meet. Leading to the many wonderful opportunities I have today.

Here are some of the businesses and programmes I'm actively involved in.

Former SIA Cabin Crew, Million Dollar Round Table Agent, and Now Business Woman

About Shann Wong

Shann is best known among her peers, business partners, and clients for her openness, determination, and reliability. It's the reason why people trust her to help them solve mind boggling problems. Whether that's a sales generating issue, manpower and recruitment headaches, or personal and group coaching, she's the one they turn to.

No surprises there as her training and flying days with SQ gave her ample opportunity to learn how to interact with people from all walks of life. Combine this with her many years as a financial consultant, and you have one of the most valuable skill set of all time... interpersonal skills. Knowing how to manage, guide, and persuade people.

That's how she become one of the top achievers in Prudential within her first year there, and continued to be one of the company's top performers every year until she left and started her own baking business on top of the other businesses she's involved in today.