I Lost $500 on my First Day of Attachment

Imagine that…

Fresh young girl, still green behind the ears, and on my first day of attachment, I lost the company $500.

Oh it gets better…

On my second day, I lost another $1,000.

A number of people in my life have told me, “Shann, you’re amazing, you do everything well, I wished I could be like you.”

And while as flattering as that statement is, the truth is, I’m no different from anyone else.

In fact, I think I’ve probably screwed more often than most people, simply because I’ve tried more times.

But during those trial and errors, I learnt what my strengths are, where my skills and talents lie, and where to focus my attention to get the most positive results.

Which is definitely not in a typical desk bound job, as I quickly realised during my short attachment days.

I mean…

How Does Anyone Screw Up Collecting Cheques?

Well, apparently, all you need is one Shann Wong! That’s how.

Being in the front line, taking deposits, and handling small administrative work just isn’t my cup of tea.

That’s kinda the reason why I joined a tour agency after graduating from Ngee Ann polytechnic.

I enjoyed myself for a while there as in certain aspects, it is similar to flying.

There’s plenty of interaction with tourist, chatting with them, and being a good host.

All in, it was a great working environment and experience.


The pay wasn’t what I hoped for.

So, being the young girl I was then, I thought, it was best that I continue to explore my options. To venture out and “conquer” the world so to speak.

Age Brings Wisdom – I Hope

The truth is, I have done many kinds of jobs over the years and I have friends who have job-hopped and I have friends who have stood by the same company for donkey years.

And over the years, I’ve now come to realise why I left each job.

I left the tour agency because of pay.

But I left flying and SIA, not because of pay but because of family.

And in between that, I was a customer service officer at Changi Airport, which I left to join SIA, because the job wasn’t fulfilling for me.

Looking back, I slowly realised that no matter how glamorous a job appears, each one of us have to identify the key traits we want in a job.

It differs between each one of us, just as our personalities are different.

But by uncovering what makes us happy in a role or position, it gives a certain clarity about the type of job that is meaningful to each of us.

I hope you too found what you’ve been searching for in the job you’re currently in.

Find a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. 🙂

Shann “Getting Wiser Everyday” Wong

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