Cycling and How Lessons on Opportunities are Born

Since the introduction of this CB world we now live in, I started cycling again.

I got myself a foldie, joined a FB cycling group and during the 8 pax phase 2 period, went all around our little island.

But with the sudden rise in community cases, like everyone else, I was disappointed.

There went my group cycling and excursions.

Thankfully, I still have several close people to cycle with.

Nothing beats a great workout where you’re pushing yourself while enjoying our manmade nature.

And having people who are there for you and supporting you, helps a lot to combat the Covid-19 negativity every day.

For me, that comes from cycling.

The Road to Serenity

One such recent trip was to Pulau Ubin, our country’s last remote place where there’s wildlife running about, and a small village of locals who embrace the simple life.

The trip was refreshing as we spent an afternoon away from the city.

It was amazing.

There’s something about the eastern part of Singapore you can’t find anywhere else in the city.

The quiet, serene, atmosphere where it feels like everyone is taking it slow and easy.

On our cycle back, we decided to do another round around Pasir Ris and I noticed a fair amount of construction near the MRT.

Naturally, I was curious.

It’s part of my entrepreneurship nature to want to find out more.

So, that evening, I dropped a message to my business partner, who I know lives around the area.

I wanted to know what was happening to this cycling town. I hoped our government wasn’t about to transform it into another busy city and lose its rustic appeal.

What he told me surprised me. It was the complete opposite.

A Quiet Eastern Town Reborn

Apparently, the Pasir Ris town hasn’t had any major redevelopments for over 30 years.

In an effort to Remake Our Heartlands, a huge change is taking place to give the local residents there a modern hub without losing the town’s original beauty.

And right in the town’s centre was an upcoming mixed development condominium project called Pasir Ris 8.

This new residential mall would see more clinics, more shopping areas, and more cycling paths and routes.

It just so happens, he had written a review of the condo recently where he told me to find out more. (I think he just didn’t want to continue the Whatsapp chat as it was late)

After doing some digging, I discovered this plan has been in the works since 2007, where our Prime Minister lee Hsien Loong made this announcement in his National Day Rally speech.

Pasir Ris just so happens to be part 3 of the government’s plan.

Seek Opportunities. Don’t Just Wait for It.

And that got me thinking.

Many times I hear people telling me that they can’t find any good opportunities.

I’ve always find that the Singapore government is an example of how they seek our opportunities.

This experience in Pasir Ris, while still in the works, was the result of planning and pushing for something to work for almost 15 years now.

Did everything turn out good?

Definitely not.

But just like any career or business opportunity, they are a result of proper planning and action.

Massive action.

Just as I lost $500 in my first job, I could have called it quits back then. But by pushing forward and learning from my mistake, I’ve seen ample opportunities surfacing since then.

No doubt we’re still in the midst of an ongoing global pandemic, but many new job opportunities have been created.

I’ve had business owners asking me for help, to find workers, and I’ve had mid-career switchers who were looking for alternative and found them.

The important thing is to always be pushing for the goal you want for yourself.

Trust me. I’m living proof of that.

Shann “Just Keep Cycling” Wong

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